Outdoor House League CO-ED Program for BOYS & GIRLS born between 2011 and 2020
All games are played at: Ashtonbee Reservoir Park (Warden Hydro) Fields (<< click link for map)
905 Pharmacy Ave. (North of Eglinton Ave.)
Game Day - early June to early September 2025:
(Age groups/Playing nights may be subject to change)
Boys/Girls born:
U06 (2019 / 2020) - Tuesdays
U08 (2017 / 2018) - Wednesdays
U10 (2015 / 2016) - Thursdays
U12 (2013 / 2014) - Thursdays
*U14 (2011 / 2012) - Tuesdays / Wednesdays *NEW IN 2025
Fridays - Rain Day (Reshedules)
Cost $200 for the Season that runs until early September.
(Includes weekly playing time, uniform and a soccer ball)
** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL - pay only $180 if you register by March 31st **
Are You a Returning Player?:
If you registered for a previous Outdoor or Indoor House League, Select "Yes".
If you have never registered with Wexford before, Select "No".
You must Fill in:
Player First Name,
Last Name and
Access Code:
If you registered in a previous year enter and Submit your Access Code to prefill the form with your information on file.
If you cannot remember your access code, click on the "What's my Access Code?" prompt and it will be emailed to you.
If you are still having trouble, contact the Club for assistance (by phone or by email)
Please enter an email address (either player or parent) where you will be sure to receive our messages. Email is the most efficient method of communication for the Club to notify you of game changes / cancellations / special events, etc. You may opt out of our email mailing list at anytime.
Fill in the Registration form completely. You must fill in fields with an asterisk ( * ) next to them.
Note: On-Line Registrations may only be completed with electronic (Credit Card / StackPay) payments.